ALR Hearings Lawyer in Denton County
Denton County DWI Attorney
In the state of Texas it is illegal to drink and drive. If a driver chooses to do so, they could face serious penalties, one of which is the loss of their licenses. In fact, individuals who are tested and show a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08% can expect to have their licenses suspended. If a driver refuses a blood or breath test, then an Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing will occur.
Why Are You Required to Submit to Chemical Testing?
If you’ve obtained a driver's license in the state of Texas, you have automatically provided your consent to submit to a chemical test if there is reasonable suspicion that you have been driving while intoxicated (DWI). This rule is called implied consent. Nonetheless, this isn’t a clear-cut matter (e.i. what qualifies as “reasonable suspicion”?), and if you need assistance at your ALR hearing, speak with our Denton County DWI attorney at once.
You Only Have 15 Days to Act!
If you have refused to consent to a chemical test, your license can be suspended for between 90 days and 2 years. At the time of your refusal, you will be issued a temporary driving permit as the officer takes your driver's license. From that time, you will have 15 days to request an ALR hearing with the DMV. If you do not meet this deadline, your request will be denied. If you fail to request a hearing within the deadline period, your license suspension will occur 40 days after the arrest. If the request is approved, you will be required to pay a $125 fee.
Contact our Denton County Defense Lawyer
At your hearing, you will need the assistance of a Denton County DWI lawyer to ensure that all requirements are met. We can fight the automatic suspension and help you obtain an occupational license so that you do not miss work and can continue to fulfill your responsibilities. We have been assisting clients throughout Denton County, Texas since 1998 and are prepared to help you fight against the charges and penalties you face.
We can discuss your situation during a free case evaluation to create a strong defense on your behalf. Successful representation is important to improving your chance of regaining your privilege to drive.
Contact us today for further information!
Serving Denton County, Texas Since 1998
Our firm is dedicated to serving the community with effective legal representation.
Proven Track Record in Criminal Defense CasesWe have dedicated our practice to delivering the best possible results in every case.
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Our firm is committed to your case from the beginning to the end. We’re here to help you, one step at a time.